Proudly Jewish - Proudly Progressive
Proudly Jewish - Proudly Progressive
Tag Omer
Mark the Omer time in a significant way
Many of us know that Passover takes place during the Hebrew month of Nisan. In contrast, most of us do not know that the month of Nisan also includes another observance which begins on the second day of Passover. In…
50 days that can help so many
At Bet David, we have found an additional way to give meaning to the traditional way of counting of the Omer. When we count the omer, we give 50 days of hope. I believe that education is one of the…
Bechukotai and LagBaOmer
The torah portion for this Shabbat is Bechukotai (Lev. 26.3-27.34): God promises that if Israel will keep the commandments, they will enjoy material prosperity and dwell secure in their homeland. But God also delivers a harsh warning of the exile,…