Tag Israel

We will dance again—Simchat Torah 5785

On Simchat Torah, we gather,with hearts heavy,remembering those taken from us,in the fields where life once bloomed.Kibbutzim quieted by sorrow,echo with voices we still hear,their absence a wound, raw and open. We hold in prayerthose still lost in the shadows,abducted,…

My Chanicha Patrizia

Our Parashat Matot Masei, which brings the Children of Israel to the plains of Moab on the border of the Land of Israel, deals with the nexus between two of the founding stories of Judaism. The story of peoplehood frames…

One Kotel for One People

The crisis that erupted last week over matters of conversion and equal access to the Western Wall has yet to be resolved.  At the conclusion of last week‘s shabbat, several 100 friends, supporters and members of the Progressive movements in…

It will create opportunities

Dear congregants, The press release from the SAUPJ/SAAPR (read it here) is an  immediate response of our movement on the newest development in Israel. It is a well thought through reaction on a demeaning attack on our Progressive movement. In…

Israel und Edom

Die Haftarah für den letzten Shabbat war nach sefardischer Tradition das Buch Obadiah. Diese Wahl scheint der sonst üblichen Auswahl zu widersprechen, nach der die Haftarah inhaltlich parallel zur Torah-Lesung sein sollte. Während unser Wochenabschnitt die Versöhnung der Zerstrittenen Brüder…