Lech Lecha: Hear the call


Our Torah Portion for this coming Shabbat is Lech Lecha. In Lech L’cha, our story focuses on our ancestor Avram. He was a wanderer who heard a divine call and went forth. God’s call to Abraham was a call to leave a position of warmth, of security and the “same good old” in order to
encounter something new, something that had the potential to change the world (and I think it did). This call was the beginning of the Jewish people and our eternal covenant with God.

What do you feel a call towards? How do you honour your journey, and the journeys of those who came before you? How can we all honour the wanderers in our midst?

Our Torah portion call’s us, to follow Abrahams first steps. We are called to open ourselves to new ideas, new approaches and sometimes even new beginnings. Lech Lecha asks us to strive for justice, a better world, and to constantly renew  our covenant with the Eternal — today,
tomorrow and every single day.

Shabbat Shalom

—Rabbi Adrian M Schell