Shabbat Ekev

A key passage in our Parshah (Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25) is the second chapter of the Shema, which repeats the fundamental mitzvot enumerated in the Shema’s first chapter, and describes the rewards of fulfilling God’s commandments and the adverse results (famine and exile) of their neglect.

IMHO the both extreme positions, presented in this short passage, are reflecting the both worlds we know in Judaism. The not perfect one, the one with not enough rain, excile and injustices, represents the Olam HaZe -the perfect world is a just world, a world where everyone has a fair share in everything, the Olam HaBa, the messianic time.

The recitation of the Shema reminds everyone of us to be engaged in Tikkun Olam, and bring forth the messianic time.

Shabbat Shalom