Dear congregants and friends,
The first of the three weeks of the national lockdown has nearly finished, and we hope this finds you all well and healthy.
We understand that the circumstances have imposed challenges and hardships on many of you and observing the news nationally and internationally, we believe that we are only at the beginning of a longer journey until we will reach the end of this pandemic. Rabbi Schell has uploaded a series of daily video messages on our YouTube channel, trying to answer some of the questions you might ask yourself in light of this crisis:
Clayton Donnelly, one of our congregants, who lives in Israel, hosts a webinar on coping with the crisis by regaining one’s strength this coming Sunday (5 April at 11h00). Please see the flyer attached hereto for details.
Pesach is only one week away. Together with our sister congregations in South Africa, we have prepared for you several documents and handouts to prepare and celebrate a meaningful Pesach at home. Please see our website for the service schedule and materials – we will keep the page updated. Please find Rabbi Schell’s guide for Pesach 2020 here and a letter by the SAAPR-Rabbis to all congregants with additional thoughts and ideas for your Pesach here.
The SAAPR (SA Association of Progressive Rabbis) finished the second draft of the new progressive Pesach Haggadah for South Africa. We invite you to open it virtually on your computers and use it for your sederim: . For our Bet David Pesach seder, we will use a shortened version of the Haggadah, Download from here.
Diane, our cheder teacher, has prepared a Chocolate Pesach Seder Haggadah (please send an email to get your copy). If you like to join with your children our ZOOM children’s seder on Sunday, 12 April @ 11h00, please register with Diane (
Last, but not least, we invite all of you to join us again for our Shabbat services. All our services are being streamed on Youtube and on Facebook. For YouTube click here: and to follow on Facebook here:
Friday 03 April
* Kabbalat Shabbat Service (18h00)
Saturday 04 April
* Shabbat morning service (09h30)
Sunday 05 April
Strengths Based Discussion
Talk with Clayton Donnelly (11h00)
Zoom Chat:
Wednesday 08 April
Erev Pesach Festival Service (18h00)
followed by our Pesach Seder (18h30)
streamed via our Bet David Facebook page
Download our Pesach Haggadah from here
Thursday 09 April
Festival Morning Service streamed (09h30)
Friday 10 April
* Kabbalat Shabbat Service (18h00)
Saturday 11 April
* Shabbat morning service (09h30)
Sunday 12 April 2020
Children’s Pesach Seder via ZOOM (11h00)
Please register with Diane MC
All Pesach services will be streamed via Facebook only.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach
Rabbi Adrian Schell, Bet David Management and Staff