Avinu Malkeinu


Tisha B‘Av marked a turning point in our preparations towards the High Holy Days. The days of rebuke and warning are replaced by those of comfort and love. God is not only the judge, assessing our short comings, but also the parent, helping us to grow and to overcome fear and hopelessness. The following prayer encourages us to open ourselves to those important aspects of God, to invite God into our lives, as a source of strength and love:

On the night of return, let us find the humility to come close to You, and open ourselves to Your presence. For You are absent only when we fail to make room for You in our hearts; distant, only when we turn away from You. Now, as others have done before us, let us overcome doubt and speak these words of affirmation:

 Avinu Malkeinu

We call YouAvinu — as loving Parent, forgive our wrongs and failings; accept us in our human frailty.

We call YouMalkeinu — as Sovereign of our souls, help us rise from our brokenness to build a world of shalom. To this vision we offer ourselves anew.

 Shabbat Shalom—Rabbi Adrian M Schell

 Quote: Mishkan HaNefesh: Rosh Hashanah: Machzor for the Days of Awe (Page 74).