This week, South Africa celebrated Mandela Day in honour of a man who undoubtly was a light for this nation, and also a light to the nations. Our Jewish tradition teaches us that striving for justice and equality is the foundation for tikun olam, but also that we have to open our hearts and souls for any other person to contribute to a world redeemed.
The smiling children I saw on the many pictures taken last Sunday made me grateful, witnessing that little deeds can bring happiness into this world. Thank you to all of you who supported, contributed and helped to create a special day for those children.
Perhaps the following quote from our new Machzor mirrors best this holy bond between our actions and the betterment of the world we live in:
The first mitzvah in the Torah is “Let there be light!”
So, we are commanded:
In everything you do, be a menorah, a bringer of light. Live with honour, act with integrity, do your work with passion — and the radiance of your deeds will live after you.
May our ideals burn bright, forever unextinguished, and may we live our lives like the flames we kindle — always stretching upward, striving for the good, reaching for You.
May God‘s light shine upon you and grant you peace –
Shabbat Shalom—Rabbi Adrian M Schell
Quote: Mishkan HaNefesh: Rosh Hashanah: Machzor for the Days of Awe (Page 11).
To make life easier for you, we will sell the new High Holy Day prayer book every Friday before services. The price per set is R700. Please note that we can only accept cash payments. Learn more about our new High Holy Day prayer book and how you can order your personal set at: