Supporting Israel on Social Media – Beginner’s Guide

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Supporting Israel on Social Media – Beginner’s Guide

This guide is meant to give a brief overview of what to do and where to be on social media to support Israel online. It was prepared by, the online public diplomacy platform of Israel.

Become an Internet Advocate
The easiest way for you to begin your online advocacy is to join community and download the Megaphone application. Using Megaphone you will be able to speak up for Israel by taking action on’s alerts across a wide range of social media sites.

• Open a blog
o Use a free blogging service such as
o Post items frequently to engage readers – a static, never changing blog is not very interesting
• Drive traffic to your blog
o Join’s blog ring to drive pro Israeli traffic to your blog. To add your blog you need to place the blog ring widget on the side bar of your blog. To get the widget code and learn more go to this page.
o Follow leading pro Israeli bloggers and link your posts to their content. This will grab their attention to your blog and likely have them link back to you.
o Create a blog roll linking to your favorite blogs and place it on the side bar of your blog. Ask other bloggers to add your blog to their blogroll.

If you have video content, join YouTube, open a user account and upload your videos. Locate friends with similar interests on YouTube and befriend with them using YouTube add a friend feature. View related content and make comments to expose your user to other people. If you have a major video, please consider coordinating with giyus before uploading your movie to reach out to tens of thousands of pro-Israel advocates. Contact us via email at .

MySpace & Facebook
Join a social network of your choice. Leading networks include Facebook and Myspace (geared toward the younger crowd). While there are many other social networks, these ones hold together about 90% of the market.

Pick the network of your liking, but keep in mind that Facebook has a cleaner feel and is easier to use for beginners. No knowledge of HTML is required; you just fill in the fields with the desired text and build your profile through the template. In Myspace, on the other hand, the sky is the limit. You can add color, music and various HTML codes to your profile which makes it a bit harder if you have no knowledge of HTML.

In both networks once you set up your profile, get ready to make friends. Find people from Israel, and friends of Israel from around the world. Make it easy to see on your profile that you support Israel.

Locate groups of friends of Israel and join them. Then make friends with other users of those groups.

Post your content on your profile, be it blog items, videos, etc. Share that content with your friends on the social network.

klingt nicht uninteressant, oder?

für jüdische blogger in deutschland, bzw. die in deutscher sprache schreiben, haben wir übrigens einen eigenen webring. der ring kann gerne um neue blogs erweitert werden: HIER

1 Comment

  1. AlexM

    Your blog is interesting!

    Keep up the good work!

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