Piyutim – ein linktipp

Die Tage hat mir Jonah eine geniale Website gezeigt. Sie ist Piyutim, also religiösen Dichtungen/Kompositionen gewidmet.

Das besondere an dieser Seite sind die vielen zusammengetragenen Piyutim aus der ganzen jüdischen Welt, und das ganze ist garniert mit den dazugehörigen Sound-Dateien zum anhören.

Ich wünsche Euch so viel Spass beim Erkunden dieser Seite, wie ich ihn zur Zeit habe. Bitte schreibt in den Kommentar, welches Lied Euch am besten gefällt. Ich bin gespannt.


The piyut began as sacred poetry adorning the prayers of the individual and the community, as well as religious rituals. The piyut is sung by the cantor and the congregation as part of the prayers. Over the years the piyut, a living creative work that is constantly renewed, widened its scope and reached out beyond the range of prayers. There are piyutim that follow the yearly cycle: Shabbat songs and piyutim for holidays and festive occasions; songs of supplication; and piyutim that follow the human life cycle: from birth (piyutim for a Brit and for the birth of a daughter), through Bar and Bat Mitzva, to marriage, and back to the beginning. The piyutim are usually sung in a communal framework. It is the community that has integrates the piyutim from their earliest development to this day. The community brings together the hearts of its members – whether within the family or the community at large participating in a celebration, whether praying with a congregation in synagogue, or whether singing the songs of supplication together.

Definition: A piyut (plural piyutim) is a liturgical poem. The term is derived from the Greek word meaning poetry. The term refers to all sacred poetry written in Hebrew. piyutim were first written in Israel from as early as the first centuries.